Health + Beauty

Polo Pop Quiz

Think you know polo? Try your hand at our Polo Pop Quiz for a chance to attend a match at the International Polo Club.

Education Station: CELLebrate Science

Scripps Research Institute is opening the world of science to the community at its annual science festival, CELLebrate.

High-Goal Polo with Tommy Collingwood

As the high-goal polo season heats up at International Polo Club, we spoke with Tommy Collingwood, member of team PBI.

Polo Field Notes: Polo 101

Have trouble following the game of polo? We break down the terms and explain what to watch for during play.

Delicious Detox

Jump start the new year with a detox diet.

On The Scene: Polo Season Primer

In this episode of The Scene, we present a curated insider's guide to polo.

Polo Primer: Dress Code & Traditions

Here, we share the scoop on the unwritten dress code for a Sunday afternoon at International Polo Club Palm Beach.

Polo Primer: Libations

Tradition doesn't stop on the polo pitch. Here, we offer a few of the traditional libations found around the grandstands

Let’s Polo: A Complete Guide to IPC’s High-Goal Season

As polo season kicks into high gear at IPC, we present this curated insider’s guide to the Sport of Kings.

Polo Primer: Rules & Regulations

Need help following the game? We break down the rules of polo, complete with a glossary of terms to know.