Fit Palm Beach: Three Trainers to Call

Want to take your workout to the next level? Get guidance from one of these local fitness coaches.


Olivia Figueroa - Xtend Barre instructor - Olivia Figueroa


Who she is: A former ballerina-turned-Xtend Barre instructor who incorporates dance into personal training.


Call her for: Help with toning, working on your core and gaining flexibility. She also coaches weight training and TRX.


Bragging rights: Shape magazine named Figueroa one of the 50 hottest female trainers of 2014.

Photo by Gerri Garton, DE Photography


Erika Strimer - Camp Gladiator - Top Palm Beach Fitness TrainersErika Strimer



Who she is: A fitness model and the director and trainer of Camp Gladiator’s South Florida location.


Call her for: Bodybuilding and body sculpting—with a boost of confidence. “My number one goal is for you to get results, so I hold you accountable but in a positive way. I’m not going to tear you down; I’m going to build you up,” she says.


Bragging rights: Strimer is the Fitness Florida bikini champ and last year placed fifth in the world in Fitness America’s bikini competition. She’s also been featured in Status Fitness Magazine.

Dara Wittenberg - running, cycling and swimming coach - triathleteDara Wittenberg



Who she is: A veteran endurance athlete and coach whose background includes completing an Iron Man, more than 10 marathons, too many triathlons to count and the Death Ride, a California cycling event covering 129 miles and 15,000 feet of climbing.


Call her for: Training for running, cycling, swimming—and only if you use a device that records your progress so she can monitor your workouts. “I adjust the plan as needed based on how training’s going,” she explains.


Bragging rights: Wittenberg has been featured in Triathlete and Runner’s World magazines, holds a master’s degree in exercise science and has written a chapter in the USA Triathlon’s training manual.


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