In celebration of the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum in Palm Beach will host a free virtual lecture on Tuesday, August 18 at 3 p.m. The lecture, entitled “And Yet They Persisted: How American Women Won the Right to Vote,” will be led by Dr. Johanna Neuman, is one of the nation’s leading historians of women’s suffrage. In her lecture, Neuman will discuss points from her new book, And Yet They Persisted: How American Women Won the Right to Vote, like female activism, states’ roles in securing women’s rights to vote, and why it took two centuries for most American women to secure the right.
The virtual lecture will broadcast live from the Flagler Museum via Facebook Live, as well as Vimeo Livestream. A recording of the lecture will be available to view immediately after the hour-long lecture on the museum’s Livestream page. Visit the Museum’s website for instructions to access the broadcast and recording. Facebook users who wish to watch via Facebook Live should “like” or “follow” the Flagler Museum on Facebook in order to participate. Neuman will be answering questions posed by Facebook Live participants at the conclusion of her lecture.
Copies of Neuman’s book — including a limited quantity of editions signed by the author — and other tomes about the suffragist movement are available for purchase in the Museum Store as well as online. To accommodate, the Museum Store was relocated into Whitehall’s West Room for a comfortable, touch-free shopping experience.
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