One of my personal favorite local nonprofit organizations, Share the Stoke Foundation, is having a little shindig down at one of my favorite haunts, Guanabanas, on Wednesday, March 26 from 6-11 p.m., all to bring joy and love to the world, one surfboard at a time.
Jamaica Project: One of the boards donated by Share the Stoke Foundation is in good hands down in Jamaica with this cat shredding up Bull Bay. |
Part of the Guanabanas’ Surf Night, surf movies will be screening throughout the evening, while local product, The Funky Nuggets, will be jamming some salty tunes. Share the Stoke Foundation will raffling off some pretty rad items—a board-shaping experience with Bird Surfboards, a skateboard from Makai Project, and much more—all to help raise funds for their next mission trip to Peru.
The crew in Cuba giving away some boards as part of the 100 Board Project. |
Share the Stoke’s mission to donate surfboards to kids and teenagers in order to keep them out of trouble and on the water has taken the group across the globe. Founded by Kelly Kingston, who hails from Lake Worth, Share the Stoke has been engaging coastal communities and kids here and abroad through a number of projects, including the Recycled Board Project and a global initiatives.
The Recycled Board Project has a twofold agenda: 1) giving a deserving kid a gently used surfboard from a local who has moved on to another in the quiver, and 2) keep used boards out of the landfills. Surfers donate their boards to Share the Stoke, who will then give the board to a kid looking the shred in the U.S. But in order to qualify for a board, the kid must be a positive influence in his/her community by attending school, being an active volunteer to help others, in all, be leader for good.
Sharing the love in the Dominican Republic. |
Share the Stoke’s global initiatives target coastal communities around the world that have active youth organizations dedicated to getting the kids off the streets and into school and on the water. Last year, Kingston and board sponsor Firewire gave away 100 boards in 10 different countries. For 2014, they have upped the ante to 150 boards, all in order to helping bring a little joy and the positive vibes that realizing a dream can foster.
- For more on Share the Stoke Foundation, visit
- For those wanted to shed an old wetsuit or two, Share the Stoke will have a drop box at Guanabanas setup to donate to kids in Peru.
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