Testosterone Tap: Che Malambo at Kravis Center

Virtuosic dancing, thunderous drumming, and whirling weaponry join forces when Che Malambo stomps its way to the Kravis Center February 2-3 (561-832-7469). Malambo, an aggressive Flamenco-style tap dance inspired by the cadence of galloping horses, originated in the early-seventeenth century as a way for gauchos (South American cowboys) to flaunt their skill, strength, and dexterity. Che Malambo, an all-male, Argentinian dance company directed by French choreographer Gilles Brinas, brings the fiery gaucho tradition to life through powerful stomping, singing, clapping, bombo drumming, spinning boleadoras (lassos with stones), and more.

  • Che Malambo takes teh stage at Kravis Center on February 2-3. Tickets cost $32. For more information, visit kravis.org.

Che Malambo at the kravis Center

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