The Palm Beach Chapter of the Rare Fruit Council International, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating and educating about tropical and rare fruits in South Florida and around the world, will host the annual Tropical Fruit Tree & Edible Plant Sale October 22, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission to the event and parking are free.
At this year’s sale, vendors from across the state will showcase fruit trees, including: Avocado, banana, Barbados cherry, black sapote, canistel citrus, dragon fruit, fig, guava, grumichama, jackfruit, jaboticaba, longan, lychee, macadamia, mamey sapote, mango, miracle fruit, mulberry, papaya, peach, persimmon, soursop, sugar apple, star apple, and tamarind. Vendors selling herbs and spices, expertly formulated fertilizer, and more will also be on-site. Fresh honey from the Palm Beach County Beekeepers Association will also be available for purchase.
Visitors are encouraged to bring a wagon to help carry purchased plants. Educational information about the planting and growing of fruit trees will be available, as well as knowledgeable volunteers and vendors to answer any questions.
For more information about the Palm Beach Chapter of the RareFruit Council International, Inc., call (855) 732-7273.
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