Photo by Kayla Mendez
To help support West Palm Beach residents, strengthen community ties, and provide a valuable mental wellness resource through stressful circumstances, the West Palm Beach Downtown Development Authority (DDA) will launch its virtual “Healing Circle” Zoom series on Monday, June 22. The four weekly installments will be led by Kärnl Moon, a South Florida-based collective of six women that specialize in various healing and wellness techniques.
The series is designed to bring the community together through meditation, presentations, and open discussion. The first session in the series is Monday, June 22 at 7 p.m. and will focus on teaching virtual audiences how to ground themselves, feel present, and release stress, which are vital components of coping with hardship. The subsequent sessions will be centered around developing compassion and empathy, relationships with others, and community-building. The series will continue on Monday evenings through July 13. The Zoom sessions are free and registration is required to attend. Visit the West Palm Beach DDA‘s website for more information and to sign up for the sessions.
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