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The Mall at Wellington

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10304 Forest Hill Blvd.
Wellington,FL33414United States

March 2021

Wacoal Fit for the Cure Event on 03/04 at The Mall at Wellington

March 4, 2021
The Mall at Wellington, 10304 Forest Hill Blvd.
Wellington,FL33414United States
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Wacoal Fit for the Cure Event

This spring, more than 590 Fit for the Cure® events are taking place in stores across the United States and Canada. To keep everyone safe, Wacoal Fit Experts will be offering Touch-Free™ bra consultations rather than hands-on fittings at these events. Developed using decades of fit experience, these Touch-Free™ bra consultations will help women find their correct size. For every woman who receives a complimentary Touch-Free™ bra consultation during a Fit for the Cure® event, Wacoal will donate $2 to…

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