The island of Illyria will come to life in a magical, music-filled show during the Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival’s inaugural Shakespeare by the Palms production of Twelfth Night. The beloved comedy will be performed live August 19-22 and 25-29 at the Commons Park Amphitheater in Royal Palm Beach. Adapted by, directed, and co-produced by festival veteran and noted South Florida actor and director, Seth Trucks, the beloved Shakespearean tale will feature original scoring and performances by the award-winning musical trio, The Lubben Brothers.
Twelfth Night is special to the Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival. It was the first show performed when the festival launched its productions in Carlin Park 31 years ago. It was also performed when the festival began “Phase Two,” with the building of the grass bowl amphitheater, power, and other amenities to the current location of the Seabreeze Amphitheatre. This production also launches a new beginning for the festival, with the first two-festival summer season in the company’s history.
“As a lover of Shakespearian theater and a child of 1980s Hollywood, it has been a long time dream of mine to take this most musical of Shakespeare’s plays and apply a cinematic score to it,” said Trucks. “Working with the amazingly talented Lubben Brothers and this remarkable cast of actors and musicians has been a truly magical experience.”
Twelfth Night stars veteran company member Sara Grant as Viola, Pierre Tannous as Duke Orsini, Madison Fernandez as Feste, Shalia Sakona as Olivia, Timothy Mark Davis as Sir Toby, and Elizabeth Price as Malvolia.
The show features set design and lighting by Dean Landhouis, sound design by Christopher Bell, and musical scoring by The Lubben Brothers (triplets Joshua, Michael and Tom) with additional musical performances from Sean Edelson, Jack Stamates, and Krystal Valdes.
Bring a beach chair, blanket and picnic basket or enjoy concessions at the Commons Park Amphitheater in Royal Palm Beach. Admission is free with a suggested donation of $5 per adult. Click here for more information.
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