“Food Talks” Arrive at Flagler Museum

The Together, at the Table "Food Talks" will focus on the foundations of Florida's cultural heritage and the American South's cuisine legacy

Courtesy Flagler Museum
Courtesy of the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum

A new lecture program will soon debut at the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum in Palm Beach. The Flagler Museum’s new program series, called “Together, at the Table,” is taking over the museum’s annual Whitehall Lecture Series this year to present special lectures focused on food. The “Food Talks” will present an overarching celebration of people and foodways that are the foundations of Florida’s cultural heritage and the American South’s regional cuisine legacy.

The “Together, at the Table” series is centered around dining practices, cultural foodways, and culinary traditions relevant to Florida history, drawing inspiration from the 2019 reintroduction of the original Dining Room furniture suite to Whitehall. At its core, the series celebrates the rich diversity of South Florida’s expansive cultural heritage and spotlights the people of the community.

On Sunday, February 6, Anna O. Hamilton will present “Southern Foodways: Florida Cuisine,” an exploration of Florida foodways and systems, including the relationship between Henry Flagler’s Florida East Coast Railway system and Florida agriculture of the late 1800s. Hamilton is an oral historian, audio producer, and foodways scholar from northeast Florida who is currently a doctoral student in the department of American Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

On February 27 Zella Palmer will lecture on “Southern Foodways: Creole Cuisine,” a talk that lays the foundation for understanding the cultural history and people of Creole cooking as a defining factor of American South regional cuisine. Palmer is an author, professor, filmmaker, curator, scholar, and the Chair and Director of the Dillard University Ray Charles Program in African-American Material Culture in New Orleans.

Together, at the Table “Food Talks” begin at 3:30 p.m. and are free for Sustaining level members and higher; $10 for Family level members, Individual/Educator level members, and Whitehall Society Members; and $28 for non-members, which includes general admission.

For lecture tickets, please call (561) 655-2833 ext. 10. Advance reservations are required, as space is limited.

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