After a nearly two month-long hiatus in adherence to the statewide COVID-19 safety protocols, The Society of the Four Arts reopened The Philip Hulitar Sculpture Garden and the Four Arts Botanical Gardens on Friday, May 1. With public parks, golf courses, and tennis centers gradually reopening in Palm Beach County and the Town of Palm Beach per executive order, the gardens will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, weather permitting.
In an effort to maintain COVID-19 precautions and adhere to county ordinance, groups of more than 10 people will not be permitted to enter the gardens. In addition, guests will be asked to wear face masks and maintain a safe social distance from other visitors while enjoying the gardens.
“The gardens at The Four Arts have always been a quiet retreat for residents, Four Arts members, and visitors,” Four Arts President Philip Rylands said. “With people out exercising along the Lake Trail adjacent to The Four Arts and with the reopening of public parks in the county, it was time to re-open up these beautiful spaces for the public’s enjoyment.”
The Philip Hulitar Sculpture Garden is named for American couturier and Palm Beach resident Philip Hulitar and opened to the public in 1980. This 2.2-acre outdoor gallery houses sculptures from The Four Arts’ permanent art collection and contains works by artists such as Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Anna Hyatt Huntington, Norman Sunshine, Lawrence Holofcener, and Gino Supino, a recent addition to the gardens.
The buildings at The Four Arts will remain closed until further notice. Please visit the website for more details
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