Scott Diament
The Ideas Man
Scott Diament has been a businessman since the age of 12, when he started a bagel-delivery service in his Bronx neighborhood—an enterprise he sold to another teen two years later for $5,000. Shortly after graduating from Florida Atlantic University, he invested in a jewelry store with friend Rob Samuels and Samuels’ father, and today their Provident Jewelry brand is a renowned chain on both coasts of Florida. That venture led to the creation of the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art and Antique Show in 2004, which in turn spurred the Palm Beach Show Group and Now, Diament organizes events from coast to coast—and never stops coming up with his next big idea.
“I come up with ideas every single day. Probably 999 out of 1,000 ideas I have in a year are not good ideas. But every so often, there’s one good kernel there, and I try to run with it.”
How he knew the first show would be a hit: On opening night, we heard from the police that I-95 was backed up for two miles of people wanting to come to the show. After 40 minutes, we were waving off cars because we had sold out all the parking.
Most memorable item he’s acquired: A Nobel Prize medal for literature given to Theodor Mommsen in 1902, the second year they were ever awarded.
What he collects: Everything. There is no theme to my collection other than I’ve never sold one piece since I started acquiring when I was 8 years old, and each one spoke to me.
Most recent purchase: A pair of cufflinks. They’re skulls, and when you open the mouths, there are fancy yellow diamonds in the eyes.
Why he’s been successful: Execution. A good idea executed today is much better than a great idea never executed.
Favorite activity: Skydiving. On my birthday a couple years ago, I went skydiving two times in one day.
Regularly reads: Science Daily.
What he would do if he were invisible for a day: [laughs] Can’t publish that one.
On his bucket list: Be invisible for a day? [laughs] I’d like to go into space, maybe visit another planet.
Someone he admires: Bill Koch. I think he’s one of the greatest collectors who has ever lived, and I’m just so happy he lives in our community.
Advice for his sons, Alexander, 11, and Leo, 6: Be creative and have perseverance.
What thrills him about his job: When you see people lined up to get into this thing you’ve built, you’ve in some way changed the world. I may not be able to cure cancer or do other things I would like to do, but I can produce really incredible events that people love to come to.
Photography by Robert Nelson.
Shot on location by Palm Beach Illustrated at The Breakers.
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